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You will always find me with a cup of coffee or tea and enough energy to light up a room.
I don't take myself to seriously and I live to entertain.
Whether on-stage, on-camera, or in my living room I want to make people smile.

I am a native New Yorker who has a passion for baking, yoga, and good books!
I'm named after that classic Audrey Hepburn film (though I'm not as classy).
I have a deep love of Shakespeare. (I started my high school's Shake club!)

sabs' stats:
star sign - Virgo
fav. color -
toss up btw red & yellow
dream car -
1969 Ford Mustang Convertible
guilty pleasure -
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
fav. dessert - Chocolate Mousse
celeb. doppelgangers -
Jami Gertz, Brittany Murphy
pet -
Drusilla,17, beautiful fat black cat
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